Partners In Learning Blog Team

Partners In Learning Blog Team
Blog Team

Friday, July 20, 2012

Making a Difference for Teachers

It only takes 5 minutes in a day to make a difference for teachers.

How? Simple... take 5 minutes at some point in the day and write a hand written note to one of your staff members and mail it.

This week I chose to write a note to Erica, one of our part-time summer camp leaders and volunteer coordinator.

In return, I received the following in an email:

I received a card today thanking me for joining the team and telling me I was the star of the week and I want to say thanks...and I should be the one sending you the card for putting the sparkle back in my eyes when I see students. I have never laughed so much. Sometimes we as public school teachers forget that students are more than just their test scores...when I work, I get that reminder and will bring the experiences from this summer with me as I start my school year in a few weeks. So again thank you so much for an experience that has already changed my life.

Erica Reid

5 minutes made a difference for Erica. Teachers need to know that you sincerely believe in them, through words and actions. As human beings we have the power to uplift someone or bring someone down.

Choose to uplift someone everyday and make a difference in their life! Make the choice to tell, offer, thank, encourage, inspire and let others know that you notice and believe in them. Is "Making a Difference" on your TO DO list?

Michelle Macon, Program Coordinator

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