Partners In Learning Blog Team

Partners In Learning Blog Team
Blog Team

Thursday, January 8, 2015

What will our legacy be?

What will our legacy be? Can wehabe a legacy?sn't that what Athelete,celebrities and humanitarians have? Well that is true but we can have one too. How? Well a legacy is something that is handed down such as a Gift, bequest, or something from an ancestor ot predecessor. So how can that apply to us? Well as teachers and parents we all have things that we are passionate about. It could be reading,math,art or could be music or cooking. So how can I take that passion and make it a legacy? Well, as parents we can involve our children. Let them help us with thecthings we love. Share with them why we enjoy it. As teachers we can share our love of reading,math or science. How will our legacy be known? Children will say that they developed a love of reading because of a teacher. Family members will say thatthey got that passion from their mom or dad or aunt. Even though at times it may seem tedious to involve young children, the rewards will be worth it. We will be able to see a passion develop in them. So what will our legacy be?

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