Thursday, November 27, 2014
It's OK for things to be OK
Maybe however, things didn't quite go as planned. You may have forgotten the rolls, or forgot placecards, or forgot to get that one ingredient. Guess what? It's ok, you don't have to be perfect, things don't always have to happen a certain way.
You can always share duties, have others help but remember, that the family get togethers that family talk about the most, the ones everyone remembers, the ones that people smile and laugh about are the ones that don't always go as planned, the ones that aren't quite perfect. So remember it's okay for things to be just ok. Now is the time for everyone to just enjoy being together.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The Importance of Play to Brain Development
I asked the students in a class I teach at Rowan Cabarrus Community College to recall a favorite childhood memory involving play. Every student described a memory or memories that contained the following components:
- The most joyful play occurred outdoors
- There was an enormous sense of freedom because of limited rules
- Resources obtained in the outdoor environment were used as the source of play materials
- Material was adapted to create specific objectives
- Activities, such as making a homemade skateboard, required cooperation, collaboration, innovation and imagination; coincidentally, all 21st century skills.
I found the conversation very thought provoking, and I will continue to think about how this relates to the opportunities our children today are experiencing and the impact of how their experiences (or lack of experiences) may have on the future.
Again, the video was the catalyst for our conversation.
Written by Katherine Generaux, Community Inclusion Specialist
Friday, November 21, 2014
🐾Remembering Our Pets During Thanksgiving🐾
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Fun
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Where has the time gone?
As time goes by, I began to wonder if there would be anymore firsts. Yes, there were,. First dsy of Kindergarten, first award, first friends. The time seems to fly by. Soon they graduate to middle school, first crush, first time with multiple teachers, sports or clubs, and the time flies by.
Now I'm wondering what first I still have. Well, the first to graduate, first to go to college, first jobs, etc. So my reflection is this. There will alwsys be a first with your children. The best way to enjoy them all is by saving as many as you can. Videos, pictures, small momentos. Keep a journal, in the spare time(little as it may be) of the things your feeling, things they say. You will be happy you did because someday, you will look back and wonder where did the time go?
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Ways To Have Children Help At Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a national holiday that encourages us to take stock of our blessings, Thanksgiving can be fairly stressful…especially for parents. All the preparations and cooking and a more formal mealtime are not exactly child-friendly. But gratitude isn’t just for adults, and neither should Thanksgiving be an adult-only activity. That’s why I like to get the children involved as much as possible.
Here are just a few of the ways I suggest doing it, from helping prepare the table, to giving a hand in the kitchen.
This Thanksgiving, plan a meal that has traditional dishes and child-friendly ones that everyone around the table will enjoy. A few days in advance of the meal, ask children what special side dishes they would like to eat. For example, should the sweet potatoes be served as fries, in soufflé form or both? Children may be more likely to eat a veggie or two at this year's dinner if they pick them out themselves.
While the adults are in the kitchen, even children as young as 2 or 3 years old can help create homemade decorations to make the table more festive. Simply provide the necessary supplies; construction or butcher paper, markers, crayons, scissors, paint, and glue, even magazines to cut pictures out off. Let children create one-of-a-kind place mats that can be laminated and saved for future meals. Children can also create Thanksgiving-themed napkin rings, table toppers and place cards for each guest. Use decorating as an opportunity to remind children of the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
Let children do the actual table setting, too. If the job is too big, just have them fold the napkins or set out the silverware...anything to get them involved!
What goes down (the hatch) must be cleaned up. I'm not saying the children should do all the cleaning in the kitchen, but I do think children need to be responsible for clearing their dishes and helping with the cleanup. (Motivation spin: the sooner the table is clean, the quicker the dessert comes out.)
Older children, especially, can take a shift in the kitchen, especially when they are told it's respectfully giving older family members a break.
Just a reminder...Partners In Learning will be closing at 12:00 Wednesday November 26 and closed Thanksgiving Day, November 27 and Friday, November 28. We hope you have a safe, fun, memorable Thanksgivng holiday with family and friends.8 Ways to Thank a Veteran, not just on Veteran's Day, but everyday
Today Is Veteran's day, and I would like to say that I am eternally grateful to all those who have served, who are serving, and all those that will serve our Nation in any capacity. This holiday reminds us to appreciate those who have done what all of us were not able or willing to do for our country; defend it with their lives.
Most will celebrate today by posting on Facebook, enjoying a day off, going to see the parade in town, and maybe taking a family member who has served out to a meal. Dedicating a day on the calendar to our Nation's servicemen and women is awesome, but November 11th shouldn't be the only day we extend our gratitude for all the sacrifices that were made. Here are 8 ways to honor veterans everyday.....
- Are you a knitter or crocheter? Make a scarf for the cold-winters ahead. Donate them at a local-VFW for a veteran in need or contact Operation Gratitude to see how to donate.
- Support a Military Family through Operation Homefront. Watch their website for 'current needs':
- Military-member at the same restaurant as you? Send them a drink or pay for their dessert.
- Call them. A grandparent, uncle, aunt, mother, father. Take the time to call them, especially if they live far away, and find out how they are doing.
- Listen to their stories with interest. If they are a war-veteran they have seen things you will never see. Listen and Learn.
- Nearly 40 percent of our veteran population is 65 or older, give a veteran your phone number and ask them to call if they need help around the house. Make a note to call them this winter to see what they need.
- Have your children paint a picture or write a letter. Send it to your grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, any relative that is a Veteran.
- Call and Visit a local nursing home or VA Hospital. Find out what you can do to help. If you quilt make a blanket for a needy veteran. If you bake call and find out if you can bring in something special. Bring a book to read to a veteran "ready and willing" to listen. We all have talents that can be used.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Keep it connected
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Self Help Skills
Well when it comes to self help skills, it will definitely require patience, and lots of practice and plenty of praise. Start with small goals. For example, dont expect your chold to be able to zip, button or snap on their first try. Start with just being able to get pants and shirt on. Move to buttoning and zipping gradually. Feeding, wow, well that requires patience, it will be messy, and take time. Messes can be made easier to be cleaned up by putting newspaper under the chair. This way the mess can just be rolled up. Start with feeding, then move to serving themselves. You can put things in smaller bowls that are easier to manage for little hands.
Praising your child for their success. Have them help clean up with you. Tell them how well they did. This will help develop their independence, they will learn to take turns and even help others who may need it. They will develop fine motor skills that can help with writing. Social skills by taking turns passing things to yheir friends. We use family style during lunch. Children learn to wait, take turns and help those who need it. They learn to clean up after themselves, and others.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Who's taking care of you?
As parents, we are just naturally busy people. We have lots of hats to wear. The mommy/daddy hat, the chef hat, the chauffeur hat, the nurse/doctor hat, the monster-under-the-bed-chaser hat, the list goes on and on. Some of us are employed outside the home, some of us are busy working inside the home. Some of us go to school full time, some of us volunteer our time. There's never a lack of things to occupy our time and attention. So with all of these things in our lives that we take care of day to day, who is taking care of us?
I've recently fallen into the "I'm too busy" trap. Back to school time is always hectic, the boys are playing football, family responsibilities, work responsibilities, household responsibilities, these are all the lovely excuses I like to use when I'm trying to justify why I've been putting myself on the back burner once again. I've stopped making time to go workout, I've not been able to make time for friends, my hair has been tied back in a hair tie everyday for I don't know how long, and there is really no acceptable excuse for allowing this to happen.
So whats a parent to do? We need to start making ourselves a priority and start by making time. Starting now, I'm going to try to carve out a little piece of each day for nothing or anyone but myself.
Now, what if you just can't take off and grab dinner with a friend or go out to the movies by yourself? No sitter, no money for a sitter, or whatever other obstacle is in the way. No problem, time to take care of yourself isn't necessarily time out of the house. My me time list for this month is filled with at home activities that I can do after my little sweeties are tucked in for the night. Here are some suggestions to get you started...
- At home spa night
- Mani/pedi night
- Movie date on the couch, microwave popcorn, no cell phones
- have the librarian suggest a book at your local library, check it out, then ACTUALLY read it